Thank You Very Much

July 7, 2011

My girlfriend’s biggest gripe about me: I say “Thank you very much” more often than enough.

I don’t understand why, but every time I say that phrase to a sales assistant, waiter, or cashier, she’ll hiss into my ear asking to stop using that phrase.

I like being kind and gracious to people, I will not stop!


I think its a good time to start worrying about getting a job after I finish my term in the Army. I have a path plotted out in my head and I really want it to happen. I should start sourcing around before it is too late.

My mom asked me to save up to go on a holiday trip after I’m done with Army. She suggested going to California since my cousin will be there. The thought of it is really tempting, but I need to evaluate my financial strength before making the decision. I really want to get a dose of the American way of life, experience different seasons and culture. But everything is still premature. It’ll take some time.

I am really losing inspiration to blog. I don’t blog bout my daily routine, it just isn’t me. Oh well, should stop worrying.

Till next time!

Denim Hotness

January 29, 2011

Ever wondered why the SNSD girls have such enchanting legs in their MV of Gee? Let me tell you why, its the fit of the jeans that make them look so sexy, with legs that seem to go on forever.

When it comes to lady jeans, its the curves that really matter, not entirely the waist size. The most crucial parts are the high hip, crotch and the backside, along with the fabric of the jeans. It has to stretch, but it cannot be too thick, it has to hold its shape well.


The secret formula to getting a pair of jeans to hold you in like a second skin is to ensure the fine balance between waist and hip measurement, along with the height of the front rise. Back pockets play a part too, such as angles of placement, distance between the 2 pockets. It complements to the roundness.


So ladies, dump the cheap Bugis Street jeans that are in your wardrobes and invest in a quality, fitting pair of jeans. It will do you wonders the next time you dress up. Levi’s Curve ID for women will be a good bet. If you have a bigger budget, try looking out for Rock & Republic from Bread&Butter, G-STAR RAW or 7 For All Mankind.

Miss Sixty Black Jeans



August 11, 2010

My long break is coming to its close. I’m grateful for it, I’m rejuvenated and I can continue once again.

5 days of rest, 2 spent with friends, 3 with my girl. Perfect.

Now that I’m no longer a trainee, I can finally look forward to the day my hair grows out totally. Its been long overdue! I don’t what’s for me for the rest of my National Service term. 1 year 4 months is quite a long time. More so when I’m living in routine through out. People tell me that my days as a trainee will always be the best. I’ve yet to really reflect on it yet but someday, when I’m idling, I will. I’m glad that all my friends have completed their individual training phases. Fabian will be the last, but hey, its only less than a month till you commission!

National Day seems more meaningful to me as I age. It reminds me of so much to be grateful for. A safe city to live in, a home with so much comfort and so many more. I really hope that Singaporeans don’t take that day for granted. Just as we celebrate each other’s birthdays, we should do so too for our homeland.

Hi to all who bothers to check on my blog for updates, I’m sorry for not blogging for such a long time. Sometimes I’m lazy, sometimes I don’t have the inspiration, sometimes I just forget the things I want to blog out.

What’s wrong with the weather these days? Its been raining billions and billions of cats and dogs for the past few days and who knows, the next few days might be uber hot! I think all the climate change warnings and shit are finally starting to show. Its finally taken its toll on us. June wasn’t so erratic last year, I wonder what it’d be like when the monsoon season comes.

Army, is anyone interested in my army life? A short one. My friends from NDU all got posted back to their camp, effective from tomorrow. I’m definitely gonna miss them somehow. They were great bunkmates and buddies, people whom I certainly will miss. It also sparks a new phase of my training. Leaving my god damn scenic and heavenly bunk to a cavern(I heard), and onto a shitty phase of training that no one is looking forward to. God please help me! I just want it to end fast, don’t touch my weekends and enough of hair cuts already! I’ve been subjected to mockery for the past 5 months thanks to my tekong style hair cut. Drats!

Okay, let’s do something secondary kids like to do on blogs. What I’m doing now. They love to blog what they did from the moment they wake, to the times they sleep.

I am taking my dinner now, correction, I just finished dinner. Mom cooked chicken with Chinese dried mushrooms and corn. The end. And now to my point. Have you ever wondered what if the juicy piece of chicken suddenly transformed into a carcass instead? Or the foie gras you’re indulging became a piece of rubber? Go on, have fun with your imagination.

Okay, I’ll stop here. Gotta leave home for camp soon. Another week to fight on.

To my lovely but sick darling, Remember what I told you! Sleep early, no heaty food stuffs, take your cough syrups and take more fruits. You’ill should get well by the end of the week. I love you darling, muacks!


June 13, 2010

Current perspective on the society: Am I an alien!? I realized there’s so much lag time between me and the society. Looking around, I feel so astonished all the time. The shifts in the way of life, and everything else. I wonder how life would be when I finish serving the Army.

Current mood: Slightly depressed, feeling indifferent.

Current weight: 58 I guess, the pounds just keep rolling in.

Current life: Restricted till weekends due to national obligations (read: NS). Wonders when life will be back to normal.

Current activity: Other than blogging, I’m on YouTube. Check out Edgar Davids Street Soccer Tour 2010. Its pretty awesome, Davids & Co. travelling around Africa.

Current state of mind: A complete blank. No inspiration to blog.

I give up.

It was suppose to be a good weekend. Started off fine, before things started happening. I don’t want to think bout it. Bygones are gone, like forever.

I’m a little down. The thought of booking in once again tomorrow doesn’t help cheer me up. Time is never on my side! Never! I know, grab the Sands of Time, and I have all the time in the world. Question is, no such shit exists. Why can’t life be a dream? I wake up and find myself with a little less worries, a tad more happier. Life is beyond comprehension for a human brain. It defies logic and common sense at times. Four letters long and its more complex than the entire alphabet put together.

Asaph, out!


May 28, 2010

With my new phone, I’m much more organised, and as such I created a list of things to blog out. Its been long since I did a proper blog post. I shall try my utmost best now, since its long weekends.

  1. First up on my list, FUCKING AIRHEAD BASTARDS. Yep, these are mainly the kind of people whom I come into contact with every weekday. They’re walking chimneys, smoke till their gums turn black. And they’re just obsessed with sex. Like any of them have had sex before. WTF!?
  2. Michelle Chia. Saw her on 8 Days cover, or even better still her photo shoot inside. She is by far, the hottest Singaporean lady. I mean, she’s got the figure, the looks, and the hair. What else can you ask of her?
  3. I passed out from my course this noon. Suddenly, I miss that place. The place which I complained so much about. Ironic, yes, to the max! I’m going to a not so nice place next Monday. The thought of going to a far away place just saddens me a little. There are so many worries on my mind. Bunk mates, regimentation, adapting and fitness. I had fun in my camp, the times we cracked jokes in bunk, and all the stupid nonsense we did. I did put on weight there, for sure. I’m gonna miss camp.

Just Random

May 15, 2010

Well, since time is always a constraint, I’ve always found it hard to blog. I’m starting to get disenchanted with this life. I mean, this two years are just gonna be unfruitful for me. I’m just gonna get it done and over with.

On the bright side, my dad just bought a new desktop and I changed my phone. That’s a very encouraging way to kick start some optimism in my way of life.

See, the thing is, I have so many things in my mind that I want to get them blogged out, but ironically, when its time to blog them out, I’m a blank sheet of paper. What a joke man!

I’m just gonna spurt out random bits of stuff, don’t laugh and give me the what-the-fuck look.

Me and Rene just spent 11 months together. Time flies, everything is going on fine. I love you baby, countdown to a year has just begun.

In light of the World Cup, I torn between what team should I support. I should just enjoy the beautiful game. Cheers!

I’ll just stop here. Hopefully inspiration strikes me hard.



April 15, 2010

Three random pictures.

Any link amongst them? I don’t think you can figure it out.

What’s linking them together is how so many different things can be happening, but at the same time, across the world.

There might be a forest fire, but half way through the world, a fashion show is being stage, while soldiers are fighting for their lives.

Think bout it and you can’t help but wonder why life is so fascinating, and complex.

Time Flew

April 12, 2010

10 days of block leave, I’m almost a third done with it.

This Friday would be D-Day. Postings will be out and my fate will be sealed. I’m getting mixed feelings unnerving inside me, “Will I be posted to this and that or that and this, blah blah.”

Now that BMT is officially over for me, I can do an assessment on it.

  1. Pulau Tekong can easily be a getaway island, less the military.
  2. I realized I had a strong bond with the island cos during my 24km route march, we sang “Home” and I teared. I wonder why?
  3. There are good scenic views, especially the sun rise and sun sets and the stars in the sky.

I don’t wanna continue. I’m too restless to. Don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Out Field

March 6, 2010

I am going for my field camp this coming week. I am not looking forward to it at all. First I gotta book in at 2pm tomorrow, I don’t get to bathe, I’m gonna be treated like dirt, there’s the 8km route march. Every little nitty gritty I can think bout is gonna make me hate field camp more.

I just wish I can fast forward time, I’m sure everyone does, but unfortunately we gotta go through it. I just pray that everything goes well, that I can take all the shit that’s gonna be thrown at me. Its gonna be a major challenge for me, physically and mentally, and I gonna force every single ounce of optimism out of myself.

I’m gonna miss my talking to my parents and my darling over the phone. I’ve never taken my admin time for granted, each phone call to them meant the world to me. I’m gonna find it real hard, sigh.

God please help me.