Thank You Very Much

July 7, 2011

My girlfriend’s biggest gripe about me: I say “Thank you very much” more often than enough.

I don’t understand why, but every time I say that phrase to a sales assistant, waiter, or cashier, she’ll hiss into my ear asking to stop using that phrase.

I like being kind and gracious to people, I will not stop!


I think its a good time to start worrying about getting a job after I finish my term in the Army. I have a path plotted out in my head and I really want it to happen. I should start sourcing around before it is too late.

My mom asked me to save up to go on a holiday trip after I’m done with Army. She suggested going to California since my cousin will be there. The thought of it is really tempting, but I need to evaluate my financial strength before making the decision. I really want to get a dose of the American way of life, experience different seasons and culture. But everything is still premature. It’ll take some time.

I am really losing inspiration to blog. I don’t blog bout my daily routine, it just isn’t me. Oh well, should stop worrying.

Till next time!

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